Foundations of Early Childhood PBL
Part Two
“This was an awesome workshop and incredibly useful for a school that is wanting to integrate PBL in their instruction. Thank you so much for everything! What you taught us will carry along in our teaching forever and continue to make us better teachers.”
Workshop Description
This workshop builds on the learning objectives from Foundations (Part One) and layers focused project planning into the following areas: social and emotional learning, literacy, reflection, feedback and revision, assessment, public products.
Participant Outcomes
Outcomes: Foundations (Part One)
Utilize learner-centered practices when planning for PBL
Learn how to leverage classroom observations, students’ interests and students’ questions when entering into the project planning process
Explore ways to incorporate existing curricula and schedules into PBL
Develop strategies for sustaining inquiry over the course of a project by redefining the concept of “research”
Thoughtfully plan one project and develop an understanding for how to replicate the planning process in the future
Learn to integrate key knowledge, skills and dispositions into any early childhood PBL unit using a three-layered approach
Visualize how a project might unfold with young learners and identify how to capture those ideas onto our unique ECPBL Project Planning Outline
Outcomes: Foundations (Part Two)
Using the ECPBL Project Planning Outline, participants learn to:
intentionally integrate meaningful, comprehensive literacy-rich learning experiences within a PBL unit
scaffold student learning that develop reflection, feedback and revision skills
create learning experiences that support children’s social and emotional development
authentically assess both academic and SEL skills
select a developmentally appropriate public product
This was a very engaging and informative two days. I was refreshed in my PBL knowledge and was able to make more connections to younger children.
What You Can Expect…
Pre-Workshop meeting with your facilitator to learn more about your needs, the participants, workshop timing and whether you want to hold your workshop virtually or in-person
Exclusive Routledge discount code for our EC PBL book, Implementing Project Based Learning in Early Childhood
Join our EC PBL Facebook Group
Expert facilitation from one of the co-authors of our book
Content specific to young learners
Strategies, tools and resources.
Access to our EC PBL Project Planning Outline
Certificate of Completion
On-going access to the EC PBL team
On-going support from the members of our Facebook Group
Access to our comprehensive EC PBL resource document